Pinterest image showing an old fashioned apple crisp in a white ramekin with ice cream

Leap to Recipe

An easy Apple tree Crisp recipe with cinnamon apple tree filling and a crispy old-fashioned oats topping that actually stays crisp! Information technology's 1 of the best apple desserts!

homemade apple crisp in a white dish with a scoop of vanilla ice cream

Easy Apple tree Crisp with Oats

Archetype Apple Well-baked has always had my number. I retrieve information technology'due south ane of the very best apple desserts, especially with a winning recipe like this where the topping actually stays crispy!

My husband's a different story, however. Nosotros were married in September (we but celebrated our 20th anniversary this week!), so apple season was in high gear during our first month together. And I was excited to make him my favorite apple crisp, of course!

Every bit I was peeling apples, I asked Blake if he liked apple crisp. It was minor talk, actually. Considering who doesn't like warm bootleg apple crisp with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, getting all melty and succulent?!

Just his exact words were, "I've never been a fan." Hmmmm…I wondered, who is this man I merely married?!

Top view of an old fashioned apple crisp in a ramekin

The Best Apple tree Well-baked Recipe

Only there was no turning back, both in marriage and that particular pan of apple tree crisp. So I but kept peeling apples. I knew deep downward that I could eat the whole affair by myself if that's what information technology came downwardly to.

Lucky for my waistline, that fourth dimension never came. Because I had company at the apple tree crisp pan. He liked it! And information technology wasn't just a polite newlywed reaction. If you know Blake at all, he says what he ways, and means what he says. I knew his blessing of my favorite apple well-baked was for real.

Mixing bowl with sliced apples and spices

What Kinds of Apples are Best for Apple tree Crisp?

I insist on toothsome bites of apple in this easy dessert.

For me, the best apples to use in this recipe are Haralsons, no competition. They're house and tart, and concord their shape when baked. I grew up with this late-fall multifariousness on the farm; they've been a longtime favorite.

And when I can't find Haralson apples, I turn to Granny Smith and Honeycrisp, which are unremarkably bachelor yr-circular. They both piece of work great. To add a little more season and texture interest, I often apply more than one apple variety when making this recipe.

Also using the right apple tree, it's also important to incorporate larger pieces of apple. Take a expect at the photograph above. Those slices are virtually 1/2″ thick. If yous slice the apples super thin, you lot'll end up with an "apple mush" under your topping once it's baked. That's a no-no in my volume!

Do Yous Need to Pare the Apples?

I recommend peeling the apples. The skin doesn't break downwardly during blistering, and then peeling your apples is the best manner to go that classic apple crisp texture. (Merely if you're a super fan of leaving the skin on the apple, go ahead!)

apples and a dish of apple crisp with a scoop of ice cream

The Oatmeal Topping Takes this Apple Crisp Over the Top!

Are you wondering what is so persuasive virtually this particular apple crisp? Blake will quickly tell you that it's all about the super crispy topping.

A glass bowl of apple crisp topping with a pastry blender

This flavorful topping has an quondam fashioned kind of vibe, with oats and brown sugar and enough of butter. And it'southward heftier and crunchier than near, with a bit of blistering pulverisation to add a picayune bulk and lightened texture.

No flimsy topping hither, I promise. Information technology'southward actually a crispy oats topping!

apple dessert in a white dish with a scoop of ice cream

If you've been searching for the all-time apple well-baked recipe, I claiming you lot to effort this one. Use i of my preferred apple tree varieties, and cut them big and chunky. Then brand and bake the topping, only as described in the recipe card.

And once the pan is out of the oven, let it sit for nigh 45 minutes or so on a cooling rack. While the crisp is however nicely warm, transfer a big spoonful of it to a bowl and top it with a scoop of vanilla or cinnamon ice cream. Then grab a spoon and see if you don't bask it just as much as we do. I'm betting that you volition!

Tips for Success

  • When making the topping, be sure to cut the butter in evenly.
  • Employ apple varieties that agree their shape when baked. I listing a few of my preferences in the recipe bill of fare.
  • Incorporate more than one multifariousness of apple for more flavor interest.
  • Cutting the apples into thick slices (about 1/2″ thick) for a more toothsome texture.
  • Broil until the apple tree filling is bubbling and the topping is nicely browned.
  • Serve warm and freshly broiled for optimum flavor and texture. Water ice foam is always a wonderful bonus as well!

Can Apple Crisp Be Fabricated Ahead?

While this sometime fashioned crisp is at its peak fresh from the oven, you tin can besides brand information technology ahead if you're really in a pinch. I would circumspection against making it whatever more than 24 hours in accelerate, though.

Subsequently baking the crisp, store it on the countertop, uncovered. If you cover it, the crispy topping will get softer much faster.

When serving this to company, I ever turn the oven on low – about 300° F – and heat the crisp support over again. If the topping has softened too much, I'll also identify the pan under the broiler simply a bit to crisp it up. And then I serve information technology warm (with ice cream!).

After a day, keep the crisp in the fridge. To heat information technology upwardly, just scoop out the amount of well-baked you want to eat and pop it in the microwave to warm it upward. For a crispier topping, place the apple tree crisp under the broiler in the oven for a scrap. So top it with water ice cream and bask!

Like this apple dessert recipe? Save it to Pinterest!

Pinterest image showing an old fashioned apple crisp in a white ramekin with ice cream

And a few more than apple desserts from my friends that I'd love to endeavour!

  • Baked Apple Cider Donuts from The Faux Martha
  • Mini Apple tree Crumble Pies from Noble Pig
  • Apple Coffee Cake from TidyMom


for the apple tree filling:

  • 2 T. all-purpose flour
  • 3 T. saccharide
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/eight tsp. nutmeg
  • 8 c. peeled apples, sliced 1/ii" thick – I like Haralson apples, Granny Smith and Honeycrisp also piece of work well

for the topping:

  • 3/four c. all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 c. rolled oats (non quick cooking oats)
  • 3/4 c. brown sugar
  • 1-ane/2 tsp. kosher common salt
  • i tsp. baking powder
  • 1/ii c. unsalted butter, softened to room temperature (do non cook)


  1. Preheat oven to 375° F.
  2. for the apple well-baked filling: In a big bowl, combine flour, saccharide, cinnamon, and nutmeg with the sliced apples. Place in a 9'' x 13'' pan.
  3. for the apple crisp topping: In a medium basin, whisk together the outset v topping ingredients. Add butter and cutting in with a fork or pastry cutter until y'all have large pea-size crumbs. Sprinkle over the apples.
  4. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until the topping is nicely browned and some of the apple tree juices are bubbling through the topping.

This is best on the day information technology is made, peculiarly when it is still a bit warm. The topping will exist at its crispiest inside the first iv hours afterwards existence baked. Serve with scoops of vanilla or cinnamon ice foam.


Adjusted slightly from one of our family unit cookbooks, "Cooking Cousins, A Treasury of Recipes from Braun-High german Tradition", recipe from Marlene Le Clair Brandenburger.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 12 Serving Size: 1
Corporeality Per Serving: Calories: 237 Full Fat: 8g Saturated Fatty: 5g Trans Fat: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 3g Cholesterol: 20mg Sodium: 397mg Carbohydrates: 41g Fiber: 4g Carbohydrate: 26g Poly peptide: 2g

Homemade apple crisp in a white ramekin with a scoop of ice cream

Where this Recipe Came From

family cookbook
Braun-German language cookbook, 1984

This recipe has been tweaked from 1 found in this giant family cookbook. This is where I'm from.

My dad was born of a long line of Braun-High german descendants. And a adept many of them live in close proximity, near my own family'southward farm in South Dakota. To requite you lot a little perspective of my ain generation of this line, when our family celebrated my Bully Grandpa Braun's 90th birthday in 1985, he had 97 great-grandchildren. Isn't that fantastic?! And mind boggling?!

family photo
Grandma Klein, Dad, Great Grandpa & Grandma Braun, 1985

1 of my favorite photos, this is my dad with his mom and grandparents on the farm I grew up on.

This post was originally published in 2010. I updated photographs and text in September 2019. Beneath is the original text: